Life lessons from
nail stylists to
start your own

To become a successful nail stylist, a helping hand is always nice. We asked two nail stylists to share their tips and experiences.

Endless knowledge via the internet

“Youtube!” says Babette, owner of Babette FM Nails in one word. “It is just incredible what amounts of information are freely available online. I am not saying that the courses that you can take offline are bad, but the courses that you can find online are also just really good. It is also not that doing nails is easy to learn; many people think that; it is just that if you search well you can find almost everything on the internet,” she adds.

Babette is only 19 but has been running her salon for over 5 years. Yet she keeps an attitude of being a lifelong learner: “Right now, I still look at Youtube sometimes to learn new things, but also a lot on TikTok. I think that 50% of all video’s I see are nail-related so that is where a large part of my inspiration comes from”.

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Easing into the business

Brenda is 74 years old and business it going great. Nine years into “Diamond Nails Elst” she sat down with us recently to tell show others that you can very much ease in to the business as well: “I did it gradually”, says Brenda. “I went from one job gradually to what I do now. I think the girlfriends from my daughter, her friends, if they paid me a small fee, I will invest it in new materials, new products, courses.”

Brenda continues: “I think that part cost me almost two years because I had my job, my regular job, and I did my nail business on the side. But if you saved some money or if you start fulltime right away; just buy the good products” is what she stresses. Leaving you with another piece of advice: “Don't start with stuff from AliExpress or kits from Amazon. Just invest in good products from the get go. My pencil was 2 euros on Ali. I had to buy 40 of them before I realized I should have bought the good stuff right away. Those will last for a long time. Years even”.

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