Change password

We understand that remembering all your passwords can be tricky. Don’t worry! These few quick steps will help you reset it:

  1. Go to 'Forgot password'
  2. Enter your email address and then choose 'Request new password'
  3. Check your inbox for a "Vev Reset password" email
  4. Click the 'Reset password' link in the email. You’ll be redirected back to Vev.
  5. Choose your new password and click the 'Set password' button

Note: You'll need access to the email inbox associated with your Vev account to reset your password.

Tip: For security reasons, make sure your new password is strong and unique. It should contain a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.

Why didn't I get a password reset email from Vev?

If you didn't receive a password reset email from Vev, consider the following:

  1. Check your spam/junk folder. Sometimes emails may end up here instead of your main inbox. Make sure to allow emails from to be delivered to your inbox.
  2. Email filters. Check your email settings to see if you have filters that might be blocking or redirecting the password reset email.
  3. Incorrect email address. Ensure the email address you entered is the one associated with your Vev account. A small typo can prevent the email from reaching you.

What should I do if I’ve lost access to the email address?

If you've lost access to the email account associated with your Vev account, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact your email service provider. Contact your email service provider to recover access to your email account.
  2. Contact Vev support. If recovering your email account isn't possible, reach out to Vev's support team. Be ready to provide any requested information to prove that you are the legitimate owner of the account.